Ekonomi Klara Papper AB

Yesterday I had the pleasure of revisiting Ekonomi Klara Papper AB for a Company Adapted Lecture. Last time we met was in October 2015 (Teaching at Ekonomi Klara Papper / Utbildning hos Ekonomi Klara Papper). Both times I was hired by Wolters Kluwer as lecturer.

Yesterday I covered four main issues for them.

  1. New Annual Accounts Act: The numerous changes of the Swedish Annual Accounts Act 2016 and it’s consequences
  2. K-standards: Adaptions of the Swedish K-standards to the Swedish Annual Accounts Act 2016, as well as other news regarding to the standards
  3. Owner Related Transactions in Limited Companies: Prohibited loans from the company, owners loans to the company, bonuses and shareholder contributions
  4. Act Against Money Laundering: Summary of the law and it’s requirements for accountancy entities and accountant consultants

It was a pleasure to meet this group, as well as last time, and the participants raised several questions of which all were interesting – as usual.

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