A life-long dream has been fulfilled, since I got my first book published 2015 and also since I now got accepted as member of the Swedish Publicist Club 🙂
I’ve been fascinated by printed media, as books and newspapers, since before I could read (and I learned to read at age five, my parents didn’t know how) and later on even more fascinated by the information possibilities of the internet.
Writing has been a part of my life as long as I remember. In my work I’ve been writing a lot of professional letters, investigations, information, news letters, lecture documentations, articles and more. But when Wolters Kluwer decided to publish my own book idea “Performance and Income Planning” (Resultat- och inkomstplanering) it was a huge step forward. They trusted me with writing in my own style, designing the content at my will. That’s why I call it my first book, although I’ve done some voluminous work before.
And it’s getting even better, now when Wolters Kluwer ordered a second book from me “Real Estates”.
The membership of the Swedish Publicist Club is an important symbol of my new, publicist life. Thank you for accepting me as a member 🙂
Web page of the Swedish Publicist Club:
Publicistklubben (PK)
Post December 3, 2015:
Lecture on Performance and Income Planning
Post November 3, 2015:
New Book – Real Estates
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