New Swedish tax legislation introduces a labyrinth of regulations to reach the oasis of corporate deductions of interest (photo: Public Domain Pictures, image has been cropped)
Sweden is about to adopt a new large tax legislation package with the main theme of limited interest deductions (text in Swedish follows further below).
Sweden is adapting international guidelines to prohibit international tax planning which reduces the national tax base. The guidelines has been designed by the OECD and interpreted in an EU directive, according to which the member states are to implement new legislation before the end of 2018 to be in force from January 1, 2019.
General Limitation of Interest Deductions
A general limitation of interest deductions will apply to all companies, up to 5 million SEK or 30 % of a tax adjusted EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization). These limits apply to all the associated companies together if the company is part of a group. The tax adjusting of the EBITDA includes a number of complicated steps, including interaction with group contributions. In addition we’ll keep today’s targeted interest limitations for international transactions, but with adjustments.
The limitations of interest deductions are combined with prohibition of including interest in the acquisition value of assets, and a demand of extracting a calculated interest from financial lease fees.
On the other hand the corporate tax will be cut down in two steps, from today’s 22 % to 21, 4 % in 2019 and 20,6 % in 2021.
Article and Webinar
The tax package includes many more details. I’ve written an article in Swedish for the web site of RedovisningsHuset i Södertälje AB.
Today I’ve also finalized a documentation (in Swedish) on the subject for a webinar that will be sent live by Accountor Training Sweden on May 30, 2018. The webinar will also be recorded.
Feel free to contact me if you need to prepare your company for the new legislation!
In Swedish
Sverige kommer inom kort att anta omfattande lagändringar för företagsbeskattningen. Huvudtemat är begränsningar av ränteavdragen.
Jag har skrivit om propositionen och tidplanen för lagändringarna på RedovisningsHuset i Södertälje AB:s hemsida.
Idag har jag också färdigställt dokumentationen för ett webbinarium om lagpaketet som jag håller direktsänt för Accountor Training Sweden den 30 maj 2018. Webbinariet kommer även att spelas in.
Ändringarna gäller alla företag, på ett eller annat sätt. Kontakta mig om du behöver förbereda ditt företag för de nya skattereglerna!
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