Xenter Botkyrka kommun Redek Redovisningsekonom YH-utbildningFrom left (photo by Mr Peder Sönnergaard, Xenter Yrkeshögskola):
Mr Stefan Åhbeck (Weda Redovisning AB)
Myself (RedovisningsHuset i Södertälje AB)
Mr Ulf Lundgren (Xenter Yrkeshögskola and Ulf Lundgren Ekonomikonsult AB)
Ms Lotta Drabe Vesterlund (Drabe Vesterlund Konsult AB)
Mr Faraz Naeem (Kista Redovisningsbyrå HB)
Mr Håkan Sundborg (Xenter Yrkeshögskola)

May 31, 2016, I participated in a meeting with the Executive Committee of Higher Vocational Education for Economists (SW: Yrkeshögskolan) at Xenter, Botkyrka municipality. Xenter is located in Tumba, about 20 kilometers south of Stockholm.

Her you can find general information in English about Higher Vocational Education.

We went through the graduation of the outgoing class of economists 2014, reports from the ongoing class of economists 2015, reports from representatives of the students, and last but not least the planning of future start-ups of classes. The future discussions were highly inspired by adapting even more of new technology and profiling the education for different professional roles.

New dates were set for the autumn meetings, and then we went off to our respectively next appointments. It will be an interesting autumn 🙂

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