EN: In my recent post I wrote about my publishers information about the upcoming book, but there’s more!
The webpage of Norstedts Juridik is read by a huge number of unique visitors each month. The company is Sweden’s leading publisher of legal information and they are associated with leading legal experts as authors. I’m therefore very proud of being presented as one of the team now, freshly from today. Here is the author presentation and here’s a translation.
Peter Berg is an authorized accountant who works primarily as a writer and lecturer.
With a background from the board of Directors of the Swedish Association of Accounting Consultants SRF, he has extensive experience of the processes with legislation and accounting standards in the areas of accounting, taxation, company law and contract law, including the interaction between Swedish standards, EU directives and global rules.
At the same time, he has nearly 40 years of practical experience applying the regulatory framework for small and medium sized enterprises, from accounting firms since 1976 and RedovisningsHuset i Södertälje AB, which he founded in 1984.
SE: I mitt förra inlägg beskrev jag förlagets information om min kommande bok, men det kommer mer!
Norstedts Juridiks hemsida besöks av ett stort antal läsare varje månad. Bolaget är Sveriges ledande förläggare av juridisk information och de samarbetar med ledande juridisk expertis som författare. Jag är därför mycket stolt över att nu presenteras som en i teamet, färskt från idag. Här är författarbeskrivningen.