November 23, 2015, I met the economists at EA-Gruppen (Eric Andersson Group). They had ordered a one day software education in “Bokslut” (Final Accounts) from Wolters Kluwer, who assigned me to the task.

EA-Gruppen is an owner-managed company group, with among others the subsidiaries AB Frijo, Bro & Väg Mälardalen AB, Keyser Fastigheter AB and Westin Elcenter AB. The consolidated accounts 2014 describes a group of totally 21 companies (wholly or partially owned) with a consolidated turnover of more than one billion SEK and 241 employees.

EA-Gruppen operates with construction and real estate management in Mälardalen, the region of greater Stockholm.

The education took place at the head office of EA-Gruppen in Segeltorp, south Stockholm. We went through the features of the program, but being a larger company group the participants took extra interest in the technical solutions for larger companies and cash flow statements (K3), as well as for the format of a function-based income statement.

As a whole it became an interesting day adding to the experience of different companies and different conditions. The persons involved had already performed an impressive work with applying the K3 standard for the first time 2014, which I know includes a lot of qualified work, and now we hope for an easier task for 2015 by using the software Bokslut more fully!

EA-Gruppen: Webb-page



Wolters Kluwer: Education presentation (Swedish)

Bokslut Introduktion (Final Accounts Introduction)
